The 401(k) program we switched to this year happens to have been a step backward as far as support for exporting transactions. In talking with Alan about it, he said he'd downloaded a program to convert the CSV they export into a QIF. In looking at the QIF format, I just decided to whip up something to do the conversion for me. This converts the export from MVP Plan Administrators to QIF and imports successfully into Quicken for Mac 2007.

[sourcecode language='ruby']

#based on:

open(INH, "< ". $ARGV[0]);
open(OUTH, ">". $ARGV[0]. ".qif");

print OUTH '!Account
NDavid\'s New 401k

while () {
@vals = split /,/;

if ($vals[3] eq 'RECEIVABL') {
print OUTH "D" . $vals[0] . "\n";
print OUTH "N" . $vals[5] . "\n";
print OUTH "Y" . $vals[4] . "\n";
print OUTH "T" . $vals[9] . "\n";
print OUTH "I" . $vals[8] . "\n";
print OUTH "Q" . $vals[7] . "\n";
print OUTH "M" . $vals[6] . "\n";
print OUTH "^\n";

close OUTH;

Known issues:

  • You still need to go through and mark Dividend transactions as such.
  • Doesn't handle Sells very well, especially when these are to cover fund fees