As we get neck-deep integrating RSS feeds into IntelliContact, we encounter an interesting challenge. In the past, our interface was a mere repository for features, integrated through loose glue usually in the form of tabs. Each feature received its own tab--surveys, autoresponders, adding contacts, maniuplating contacts, and tracking analytics. In our wholely redesigned interface we have only four tabs. My Contacts, Create, Send, and Track allow our user to setup their lists and contacts then create, send, and track their email newsletter, survey, or autoresponder.

Where do RSS feeds go? They are a publication method, so maybe they belong under Send. But, they are targets when broadcasting a message (like lists) so maybe they belong under My Contacts. Maybe they are something else that you Create, Send, and Track therefore they go on the Create tab with hints about their status on the Send and Track tabs.

The answer may seem obvious to you, but it's likely a different answer from that of your friends.

Most importantly, I welcome such a discussion and challenge. A victory is ours when our interface brings the simplification to a necessity rather than a desire as we improve IntelliContact.

[tags]intellicontact, ui, design, human factors[/tags]